
Created by Michelle 12 years ago
When a person touches our hearts, it seems senseless and somewhat cruel that life does not allow us to share that person with the next generations that we are destined to love. Yet I have come to believe that it is those qualities that we so loved in them, that we then take on ourselves and impart them as a way of living so that the love we share here becomes us, as one... My mother took her job as Nana very seriously. Indeed she considered being a grandparent a real honour and a blessing in her life. Being a Nana brought her so much joy, pride and happiness. I know her three grandsons - Riley, Noah and Finn enriched her world and gave her endless pleasure. Having her grandchildren around kept my mum young and fresh-spirited. It was really refreshing to watch her interact with the three boys. She simply had a natural flare with them. She made aches and pains disappear and could talk her way out of any situation. My mother had that unique patience to deal with the apparent slowness it takes young children to learn new tasks. Time was never an issue. She always had time to give her undivided attention, never too busy and ironically, through it all, she was never too sick. She made herself totally at the boys’ disposal. She had time to play games, read stories and, most important of all, to listen. She demonstrated everyday the importance she placed on communication, by sitting down and holding long conversations with the boys. She knew how to take a child seriously while still being a grown up. She was generous to the end and would often comment that she learnt more from her grandkids than they learnt from her. She carried pictures in her handbags and would recall anecdotes on a whim. This was something that slightly embarrassed me at the time. Yet it was simply her way of showing the world how proud she was and how much she loved her family. As an added bonus I know my Mother felt closer to us since we became parents. My Mother saw her own children in the eyes of her grandchildren. Riley reminded her so much of Darren as a young boy – not only his looks but his mannerisms and actions. I watched her cry many tears of happiness at the things Riley would say and do. Only now as a parent when my days with Finn are going by so fast can I appreciate that the smallest little details can have the greatest of impacts. One thing my mother certainly displayed to her grandchildren was that love is the most important thing in the world. With love all things are possible, with love all things can be conquered, all mistakes healed and all things made right. Love never fails. My Mother’s examples of love with her grandchildren and the time and devotion she showered on them has certainly made me a better parent. I undoubtedly believe that my mother was aware of the preciousness of every moment she spent with her grandchildren, not for her but ultimately for them. It is likely that she wanted them to have as many happy memories of their time with her as possible; I now feel this is one of her greatest achievements. She was a strong, incredible Nana and still the bravest person I know. She has set the bar at the highest mark and has set any example for us of how to live life with compassion and dedication; she has left a legacy for us that will never be forgotten. Her infectious laugh and unique sense of humour is sorely missed. Although their time together was brief, my son and nephews have been so very blessed to have such a remarkable woman in their lives and through them some part of her will go on forever. “Sure they cant be good all the time…” - Nana Ivy
